We are an Apostolic and Prophetic Network of Committed, Consecrated, and Connected leaders, working together to advance, expand, and influence the Kingdom of God in Canada and the nations of the world.
To connect, encourage, strengthen, and serve by working together with the Body of Christ throughout Canada and the world.
To see the Kingdom of God established and fruitfully operating as we, together, lift up Christ, with His Cross, as the uniting principle of our faith.
Unity of the Body of Christ
Unity in essentials
The atoning sacrifice of Jesus on the Cross and its power
Jesus Christ as Deity, the Son of God
The Great Commandment to love God and to love others
The Great Commission to make disciples
Liberty in non-essentials
Recognition of diversity in the Body of Christ
No competition, division or slander
Collaboration with others in the broader Body of Christ
​Love as the core driver in all things